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暂时与群体分离的个体藏马鸡的反捕食警戒   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢欣 《动物学报》2004,50(1):32-36
通过与同伴分担捕食风险 ,生活在稳定群体中的个体动物可以获得长期的适合度利益 ,但同时它们不得不承担食物竞争所带来的潜在代价。这种代价常常取决于食物资源的类型。当好的食物资源出现时 ,一些个体可以离开群体而独享这种资源。了解这些临时游离者如何组织其反捕食行为 ,在进化生态学上是有意义的。藏马鸡 (Crossoptilonharmani)是西藏雅鲁藏布江中游高山灌丛植被的一种典型的非繁殖季节集群鸟类。野外观察表明 ,为了独享好的食物资源 ,一些个体常常远离当前群体的活动范围。分离事件更可能发生于大的群体 ,但其发生率与参与者的数量呈负相关 ;而参与分离的个体愈多 ,分离持续的时间就愈长。分离者的个体警惕水平随着临时群体大小的增加而下降 ,遵从在其它自然大小鸟类群体所发现的一般性规律。分离行为的发生和持续时间被认为是个体对当前食物回报和捕食风险进行权衡的结果。这种利益 -代价权衡也可以解释藏马鸡所具有的强烈集群行为  相似文献   
The foraging habitat selections of brown-eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) and the common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) were studied in Huanglongshan Nature Reserve Shaanxi, China. Foraging habitat characteristics were measured on the basis of expected differences between species at 183 sites from November to December 2006 and January 2007. The results showed that both species selected foraging habitats with altitude (<1200 m), conifer forest, half sunny and half shady slope, sunny slope, density of trees (<5 individuals/100 m2), cover of shrub (>50%), visibility class (<10%) and distance to water source (<300 m). However, the brown-eared pheasant selected habitats with cover of trees (30–50%), middle or lower slope location, distance to edge of woods (<300 m) and human disturbance (<500 m), and the selection on density of shrub was not observed, compared to the selections on cover of trees (<30%), lower slope location, distance to edge of woods (<500 m) and human disturbance (<300 m), and density of shrub (>500 individuals/100 m2) for common pheasant. We also found that the common pheasant avoid predators by concealment whereas brown-eared pheasant evade predations by running away strategy.  相似文献   
The foraging habitat selections of brown-eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) and the common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) were studied in Huanglongshan Nature Reserve Shaanxi, China. Foraging habitat characteristics were measured on the basis of expected differences between species at 183 sites from November to December 2006 and January 2007. The results showed that both species selected foraging habitats with altitude (<1200 m), conifer forest, half sunny and half shady slope, sunny slope, density of trees (<5 individuals/100 m2), cover of shrub (>50%), visibility class (<10%) and distance to water source (<300 m). However, the brown-eared pheasant selected habitats with cover of trees (30–50%), middle or lower slope location, distance to edge of woods (<300 m) and human disturbance (<500 m), and the selection on density of shrub was not observed, compared to the selections on cover of trees (<30%), lower slope location, distance to edge of woods (<500 m) and human disturbance (<300 m), and density of shrub (>500 individuals/100 m2) for common pheasant. We also found that the common pheasant avoid predators by concealment whereas brown-eared pheasant evade predations by running away strategy.  相似文献   
陕西黄龙山林区褐马鸡春季夜栖地选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2006年4~6月,在陕西黄龙山林区,对褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)春季夜栖地的选择进行了研究.共记录到22个夜栖地,以夜栖树为中心做一个10 m×10 m样方,测定夜栖地海拔、坡向、坡度、坡位、地貌特征、夜栖树高度和胸径、乔木层盖度、乔木的数量、灌木层盖度、草本盖度、水源距离、人为干扰距离、林缘距离、栖枝高度和栖位上盖度等参数;通过9条样带测定54个随机样方,除栖枝高度和栖位上盖度外,指标相同.结果表明,褐马鸡春季夜栖地多偏向以坡度较大、山坡和山脊、接近水源、远离林边、人为干扰距离较远、乔木盖度和密度较大、栖树胸径较大、灌木层盖度和草本层盖度较小为主要特征的地方.主成分分析表明,前5个特征值的累积贡献率达到72.746%,可以较好地反映褐马鸡春季夜栖地生境特征.根据载荷系数绝对值大小,将褐马鸡春季夜栖地生境选择影响因子分别命名为地形和林下植被因子、气象因子、稳定性因子和水因子.影响褐马鸡夜栖地选择的关键因素是安全、舒适和栖息地转换的方便程度.  相似文献   
甘肃莲花山蓝马鸡孵卵节律的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2002~2003年5~6月,应用温度自动监测技术,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区对蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)的繁殖及孵卵节律进行了初步研究。蓝马鸡的巢址位于海拔2900—3020m的针阔混交林或灌木林中,蓝马鸡的窝卵数为9.5(n=4),孵卵期的主要天敌为哺乳类。根据对4个巢的监测,蓝马鸡雌鸟在孵卵期的平均日离巢次数在1.25~4.00次,平均日离巢时间在16.6~46.4min之间。雌鸟的平均在巢率为97.0%(n=3)。根据对4号巢雌鸟孵卵节律连续27d的观测,发现雌鸟在每日离巢2次或3次时,其首次离巢时间要显著早于每日仅离巢1次的时间。  相似文献   
笼养鸟类取食高度对其自然行为表达和动物福利至关重要。然而,相关研究却少见报道。本文以我国二级重点保护野生动物——蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)为研究对象,观察笼养状态下其对不同高度取食槽内放置的种子或蔬菜的取食次序,并使用回归分析建立取食高度与偏好值的数学模型。结果发现,笼养蓝马鸡取食种子类食物(玉米粒)最佳取食高度为0cm,并且采食偏好随采食槽高度升高而下降(y=-0.564x+43.146,R2=0.946,y为采食偏好值,x为采食槽高度);油麦菜(Lactuca sativa)的最适取食高度范围为15~25 cm,随着取食槽高度的升高,偏好值先上升,至25 cm处后下降(y=-0.014x2+0.543x+26.487,R2=0.952,y为采食偏好值,x为采食槽高度)。当取食槽高度在65 cm及以上时,蓝马鸡拒食率上升(拒食率≥38.9%)。成年蓝马鸡体高对取食高度影响不明显。研究结果可为笼养蓝马鸡饲养管理提供参考。  相似文献   
陕西黄龙山林区褐马鸡繁殖季节中午卧息地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年5—6月,在陕西黄龙山腹地北寺山林区采取样线法对褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)中午卧息地的选择进行了研究,共观察到28个褐马鸡的卧息地。褐马鸡对林型、坡向和地理特征有明显的选择性,多偏向针叶林、山脊和半阴半阳坡,回避阔叶林、山坡、阴坡和阳坡。对中午卧息地坡位没有明显的选择性。褐马鸡中午卧息地具有坡度小、与林间道路与居民点的距离远、灌丛平均高度较低、灌木密度较小、草本均高较小、乔木层植物盖度以及草本层植物盖度较大等特征。对各种生境因子的主成分分析表明,前6个特征值的累积贡献率达到74.05%,可较好地反映褐马鸡中午卧息地生境特征。根据载荷系数绝对值大小将褐马鸡中午休息地生境选择影响因子分别命名为地理因子、隐蔽度因子、人类活动干扰因子和灌丛密度因子。  相似文献   
From April to July 2003 and 2004, we surveyed the nest-site selection of the White Eared pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) in the Zhujie Monastery and in the mountain facing it in Sichuan Province, China. In this paper, we studied the nest characteristics and the clutch size of the pheasant. Habitat sampling method was used to determine the variables that might affect the nest-site selection of the White Eared pheasant. Chi-square test was used to identify which habitat type was likely to be preferred by the bird. Independent-samples t test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to find which variables were important for the birds’ nest-site selection. A total of 13 nests were found. Oak shrub was greatly preferred as nest sites (84.62%). Nests under a rock wall (7.69%) and a fallen tree (7.69%) were also found. The average clutch size of a White Eared pheasant is 7.33±0.54 (range, 5–11; n=12). Laying period was between April 27 and May 21. In the Zhujie area, 1 nest was in the forest and 11 nests were in oak shrubs. The species preferred oak shrub as its nesting habitat (χ 2=8.333, df=1, P<0.05). The bird was more likely to place its nest in sites with a high coverage, i.e. 0.5, 1, and 2 m above the ground (independent-samples t test, P<0.05), and with a large shrub diameter (Mann-Whitney U test, P<0.05). The species are more likely to prefer sites with plant cover, shrub cover (independent-samples t test, P<0.05), and shrub height (Mann-Whitney U test, P<0.05) in a relatively small range. Translated from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), 2005, 41(2) (in Chinese)  相似文献   
白马鸡繁殖早期栖息地选择和空间分布   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
贾非  王楠  郑光美 《动物学报》2005,51(3):383-392
2003年1-6月和2004年4-6月考察了分布于四川省稻城县著杰寺周围的白马鸡(Crossoptiloncrossop-tilon)种群,分析繁殖早期白马鸡繁殖对的栖息地选择和空间分布特征。雌雄个体配对前,对整个研究区域进行系统取样并测量若干环境变量的参数。配对后,利用随机样线调查繁殖对出现的位置和数量。有繁殖对出现的栅格定义为探测栅格,反之为非探测栅格。水源距离、灌木盖度、灌木高度和草本高度等变量在探测和非探测栅格间差异显著。将显著差异变量及这些变量间的一级互作经单变量逻辑斯蒂回归进行筛选,以保留变量为自变量进行向前筛选的逐步逻辑斯蒂回归,最后选择具有最小AICC值的回归等式为最佳的回归模型。模型表明繁殖对的栖息地选择与水源距离负相关,与灌木盖度正相关。2004年进行了重复调查,获得实际的探测和非探测栅格与模型预测值之间无显著差异。计算繁殖对在0°(东-西),45°(东北-西南),90°(南-北)和135°(西北-东南)4个方向上的变异函数。结果表明:繁殖对的方向性变异函数可用球状模型来拟合,拟合曲线和实验曲线间的拟合程度达到显著水平,繁殖对呈明显的各向异性聚集分布[动物学报51(3):383-392,2005]。  相似文献   
马鸡属鸟类的系统发育关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马鸡属(Crossoptilon)为我国鸟类的特有属,隶属于鸡形目(Galliformes)雉科(Phasianidae)(郑作新等,1978)。其中褐马鸡(C.mantchuricum)为我国Ⅰ级重点保护动物和全球易危物种,藏马鸡(C.harmani)、白马鸡(C.crossoptilon)及蓝马鸡(C.auritum)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物(郑光美、王岐山,1998;I-UCN,2004)。就分布而言,藏马鸡生活于喜马拉雅山东北麓和念青唐古拉山之间;白马鸡见于云南西北部、四川西部、西藏东部以及青海南部;蓝马鸡分布于青海东部、东北部、甘肃西北部及南部、四川西北部以及宁夏贺兰山地;褐马鸡分布于山西西北部、陕西省黄龙山、河北西北部及北京门头沟地区(郑作新等,1978;徐振武等,1998)。  相似文献   
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